Log In Custom Box FAQ | Custom Made Boxes from Boxes by Design
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If you recieve the yellow triangular warning on your artwork, and/or image(s)... this would indicate that the resolution on your artwork is lower than 300ppi (pixes per inch), and may appear grainy or fuzzy when printed.

The artwork represented on your 3D rendering will appear fuzzy or at a lower resolution. This is purposly done to increase the performace of the visualiztion tool. The 3D rendering is meant to provide a guide to position your artwork only, not the quality of print.

As of now, we have a guide that will show once you have approached the center of the sheet... but it will not show up for individual pannels of your box. This is being addressed and we will have a solution for this in the near future, but for now, our experienced pre press team will assist you to make sure that your images are perfectly centered if needed. You can ask for help in the "Notes/Comments" section as you approve your artowork and proceed to checkout.

To save your design/progress of your design, you will want to navigate to the top right corner button that reads "CONTINUE TO SAVE AND REVIEW"...

The next page is where you can see a large 3D rendering of your design/progress, and you will then have the option to Save/Approve your project (Top button on the right), or not to save and continue editing. (Top button on the left)

After you save your design, you can continue to approve it and proceed to checkout if you are finished and ready to order. Or you can navigate to https://bxd-usa.com/my-projects to view your project(s) and rename them/contiue to edit/delete any project that you have already saved.

IMPORTANT NOTE: To perminately save your design to your profile, you must be logged in/registerd an account. If you haven't done so, it will only save to a temporary account until you have done so. (If you close your session on boxesbydesign.com completely, you will lose your progress/work)

To download a template of the structure that you wish to place your personal designs on via Illustrator or the design platform of your choice, follow these steps:

1. Choose your structure style (E-comm Mailer, Econo Mailer, Product Box, Self-Locking Folder, or Shipper)

2. Choose your print side (Outside Only, or Outside & Inside)... this is important so that you get both the outside and inside templates to design on.

3. Select the "Offline Design: PDF/AI files" button, then "Download Template" right up under it after it appears.

This will download a zip file of the template(s) for the size that you have chosen directly to your downloads

TIP #1: After you have designed your file offline... please save the file with the CAD lines (Cut & Crease) hidden so that it will not slow down our production process on the back-end, and we can produce your custom printed packaging at our fastest pace.

TIP #2: Saving your file as a PDF file will help with conversions of color and artowrk through our processes keep your design expectations the way you envisioned while designing it.

TIP #3: Please create your design in the CMYK color space, as you can see what your design will look like as they will be produced, as we print in CMYKOV (the Orange and Violet are there to expand our color gamut and help us match color more accurately.

To Upload a deign that you created on your desired design platform to our site please follow the following steps:

1. Choose your structure style (E-comm Mailer, Econo Mailer, Product Box, Self-Locking Folder, or Shipper)

2. Choose your print side (Outside Only, or Outside & Inside)... this is important so that you get both the outside and inside templates on the "Online Editor".

3. Select the "Offline Design: PDF/AI files" button, then select the orange "UPLOAD DESIGN" button at the very bottom.

4. Drag and drop the file you created to their perspectiv boxes (Outside to the outside box/Inside to the inside box).

This will download a zip file of the template(s) for the size that you have chosen directly to your downloads

TIP #1: After you have designed your file offline... please save the file with the CAD lines (Cut & Crease) hidden so that it will not slow down our production process on the back-end, and we can produce your custom printed packaging at our fastest pace.

TIP #2: Rename your project to whatever name you would like for it to be, and add any notes/Comments necessary to help us complete your order exactly how you expect it to.

Your artwork may appear different sometimes after uploading it to our website because the color space has been converted to RGB. Screens/Websites only register in RGB (Red/Green/Blue) and we print in CMYK (Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black)... so if you have created your artowrk in CMYK (which is highly recommended), it may appear different on the website, but we will match what you originally designed as we will convert the color space back to CMYK to print it.

Yes, we can match Pantone colors — and in fact we are G7 certified... which simply means we have been tested on a national certified scale to accurately say that we can match color very well. To gain a little more knowledge, visit https://idealliance.org/systems-certification/g7-system/


Most adhesives don't stick well to UV ink printed surfaces, so it's important to plan when purchasing tape and choosing a location for your shipping label. We recommend acrylic adhesive tape for any printed boxes. We do not recommend any specific brand over another - any tape that includes acrylic adhesive will do the trick. Storage tape or sealing tape in general is a step in the right direction, as they typically use an acrylic adhesive that withstands UV-light exposure and temperature fluctuations.

If you are shipping your boxes without any protective outer packaging, it's a good idea to leave a blank area on your box design so your shipping label has some unprinted material to stick to. Many customers get creative with this blank shipping label area and add a border or other design elements, so it looks intentional with or without a shipping label in place.

Our UV inks are not suitable for use in primary food packaging or direct food contact. They may be used for secondary food packaging applications but only when using an adequate primary food packaging material that serves as a migration barrier.

We don't have the ability to print metallics or foils, or White ink. We use digital CMYK printing processes -- this means all the color going onto your box is created using CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black) inks. Typically, areas in your design that are white are areas that will not be printed, leaving the color of the box material you've chosen (brown or white) to show through in those places. If you would like white on your kraft box, we recommend using our faux kraft print so the white material shows through creating the white part of your design.

All box dimensions on our website are inner dimensions. (length x width x depth)

Our minimum order quantity is 50 boxes

We are happy to provide a custom quote for orders that exceed a quantity of 7500. Please click this link to submit one.


If you would like to use your own UPS or FexEx shipping account number for your order and you are not an ASI member, please message someone in the chat and/or email Contact@boxesbydesign.com after you have set up your Boxes By Design account. We will make sure that you are placed into the correct group to make this option possible for you.